Five catholic religious congregations engaged in post primary education for over three and a half centuries – Daughters of Charity, Presentation Sisters, Sisters of the Christian Retreat, Sisters of Mercy, Missionaries of the Sacred Heart – have, in the spirit of their Founders, together established CEIST – Catholic Education, an Irish Schools Trust, thus providing a new moral and legal trustee framework enabling their schools to continue to offer post-primary Catholic education into the future as a viable option and as an integral part of the Irish school system.
CEIST is built on founding vision of the five Congregations, emphasising the dignity and rights of the human person, empowering the most vulnerable in society and enabling young people to become catalysts for social transformation throughout the world.
CEIST is committed to honouring this rich heritage promoting inclusion, hospitality, excellence and compassion in a teaching and learning environment inspired by the Gospel and by the unique wisdom of its respective Founders.
CEIST aims, in a spirit of collaboration, to continually invite its members to reach their potential, in the context of a school faith community, which seeks to consciously embody a true expression of the Reign of God as announced by Jesus Christ.
CEIST is committed to building school faith communities where good personal relationships are fostered, where the staff are supported and facilitated in their vital role within the school.
CEIST schools endeavour to work closely with members of other Christian traditions
In a spirit of ecumenical dialogues,
emphasising what is held in common
while valuing their own unique Catholic identity and Church community.
CEIST engages with all people of good will
to promote a preferential option for those made poor,
to take action for justice, and to exercise care of the earth
in a spirit of respect and welcome for diversity.
What we treasure
The core values of CEIST are intended to support and nourish the lives of the people who are at the heart of our schools – students, staff and parents. These are the members the school; their rights must be respected and their responsibilities should be performed in a manner which promotes the spiritual development of each person, achieves quality in teaching and learning, shoes respect for every person, creates a sense of community and is founded on compassion and justice. These values can only e lived out if students, staff and parents work together for the common good of all. In CEIST schools, processes should be put in place to deal with areas of conflict and disagreement so that the dignity of all members of the school can be protected.

CEIST Vision & Mission Statements
“I have come that they may have life and have it to the full”
A Compassionate and just society inspired by
the life and teachings of Jesus Christ
To Provide a holistic education in the
Catholic tradition
(Click the HOME link above for CEIST website homepage)